Ninja Dash

Ninja Dash is amazing platformer game loaded with FVM web3 features and full of fun.

Ninja Dash

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of

🏆 FVM Space Warp Finalist

Project Description

Ninja Dash is amazing platformer game loaded with FVM web3 features and full of fun.


  • Amazing platformer game loaded with FVM web3 features
  • Decentralized finance system with in-game store
  • Get FREE in game token when you complete level with 3 stars
  • Unlock characters as NFT
  • Get coins with in exchange of tokens or buy from native FVM balance

How it's Made

This game is made with unity game engine, c# programming, with use of different designing tools and filecoin ipfs and fvm. FVM testnet is used to create smart contract on it and filecoin IPFS to save NFT and its data on it. Remix IDE used to create smart contract in solidity programming.

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