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NiFTi is an NFT geo-location media anchoring DApp. Leave favorite memories in emotionally triggered locations. Digitize your time capsule for future loves ones to uncover. Graffiti your name in your favorite print for others to mesmerize. Let the physical world be your show room.


Created At

HackFS 2021

Winner of

Ceramic Pool prize

Prize Pool


Fluence use honorable mention

Protocol Labs Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

NiFTi consists of a smart contract that mints NFTs ("Non-Fungible Tokens") and a DApp ("Decentralized Application") providing two main functions: anchoring the minted NFT in a physical geographical location and retrieving a list of NFTs given a consumer's location for viewing and interacting purposes. Additionally, NFT creators can bring their own third-party minted NFTs and be able to geographically anchor them utilizing the DApp. The motivation behind this application is to enable consumers to sense a digital layer on top of the physical world around them. Similar to Pokemon Go but with open source, social media as the content rather than solely Pokemon gaming characters. Currently, this digital layer can be interacted with through the use of a point and click mobile device with or without an AR ("Augmented Reality") capability. In the future, I imagine a Google Lens type of mechanism where users can consume hyper digital media through an always on AR interface.


For the whitepaper (work in progress,) please go here:

How it's Made

NiFTi will be a decentralized platform built with the following tech stack: Reactjs, Polygon, IPFS, web3.Storage, Ceramic and Fluence.

This project will also use superfluid as a form to rent billboard space.

For the whitepaper (work in progress,) please go here:

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