Smart controlled wallets that can be transferred as NFTs.
NFTWallets allows you to create Smart contract based wallets that can:
Can be controlled by Metamask or Portis (for now) through ENSLogin. Expendable (see ERC2525)
This makes it more easy then ever to transfer bundles of assets or DeFi positions (colleral + associated loan). The NFWallets being ERC721 NFTs means you can be creative on how you handle ownership of bundles of assets. You can use a NFWallet as collateral on RocketNFT, or traded it on Opensea...
Frontend is available through various mechanism (including centralized/decentralized)
'- Contracts in Solidity, with binding to support GSN
Thegraph to index data
React frontend (with uniswap, ptoken, aave, compound modules
Frontend available using Web2 server / ENS+IPFS / ENS+SIA
Login using ENSLogin (ERC2525), a project I develop since EthBerlin
also, time, sweat, dedication and love