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NFTs Galore

"All NFTs look the same" ~ Probably someone. In NFTs Galore, here's your chance to prove them wrong!

NFTs Galore

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

This project explores how to enhance the Web3 gaming experience with several tools. The core game revolves around a simple mechanic that everyone knows - matching closed pair of cards as fast as possible. The twist is that NFTs tend to be similar in looks, which increases the difficulty. Players have to pay a small fee(Could be gaming tokens or ETH) to play the game each time to get a chance to get onto the leaderboard. This helps to bring NFT communities closer together as it uses ENS domain for the leaderboard, so players can be identified by their 'clan'. Depending on the community, the leaderboard serves as a way to potentially reward players in the future. I have also experimented with allowing users to mint their own subdomain, but did not manage to complete in time.

How it's Made

The technology stack is as follows:

  • React for the frontend website
  • Foundry/Hardhat for smart contracts
  • Wagmi for smart contract interaction.
  • WalletConnect for easy onboarding and onramping. It is integrated with email and social sign-in, which makes it easy for Web2 players to join. Both Nouns and BAYC have their tokens, so an on-ramp solution is crucial if we would want players to swap for their respective tokens.
  • ENS integration for the display of names on the leaderboard, and showing their avatars.
  • ENS for potentially minting of subdomains. I wrote a basic smart contract to interact with the ENS NameWrapper and Registrar, but could not get it to work in time.
  • NFT art assets from Nouns and BAYC. Both Nouns and BAYC stand to gain from this as they are always looking for ways to integrate their NFTs into games..
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