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NFTFI Conduit

DAI-centric NFT Peer to Peer lending protocol with conduit for direct investing with Maker’s liquidity.

NFTFI Conduit

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Spark - Best use of SparkConduits` 1st Place

Project Description

Conduit is essentially funds that MakerDAO’s subDAO deposits for investment purposes. With the NFT financialization getting traction since last year, it’s important to start exploring how the NFTfi conduit can look like. There have been investing DAOs (e.g. that make pretty decent yields in peer-to-peer lending protocols, thus a profitable strategy could certainly be of interest for Maker to deploy capital. In this proof of concept, I built a simple peer-to-peer lending protocol with DAI as the only currency to give out loans in the protocol. The users can submit loans with their NFTs, then subDAOs can register the conduit with their ilks and deploy funds on loans of their interests.

How it's Made

There are two major smart contracts. DAI lending protocol NFTFi Conduit The conduit inherits the base IAllocatorConduit contract, and customized with its own giveLoan() function to deploy the capital. The smart contracts are mainly developed with foundry and the smart contracts are deployed on Sepolia for testing purposes.

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