A platform for creators to tokenize, monetize, and build reputation with their artwork.
Built with React, and powered by Polygon, NFT.Storage, IPFS & Filecoin, Alchemy & Hardhat <img width="861" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43913734/183290403-8b859c7b-d190-403e-baef-e3deb3c48a4d.png">
, and the produced hash is mapped to the NFT item in the smart contract.ipfsGateWayURL =
- Solidity & Open ZeppelinNFT Storage
ImplemetationipfsGateWayURL =
https://${urlArray[2]}.ipfs.nftstorage.link/${urlArray[3]}`,Contract Addresses:
on Polygon Numbai Testnet : 0x4D2D611a95A7e724F736028611BA95D1fdc9cE5D
View here: Etherescan Explorer