A DataDAO for self-sovereign content allows anyone publish articles, illustrated novels in NFTs and being accessed by the token holders only
There are a various type of content like as Graphic Novels, Comics and Articles that DAO and NFT can together play a pivotal role in protecting copyright and distributing into much wider audience.
NFT Next is a DataDAO that allows creators publish articles, comics and graphic novels in ERC-1155 Soulbound NFTs that the DAO facilitates as a decentralized networks of creators and readers who have voting power measured by the number of staking tokens, the system aims to remove barrier of entry to became content creators that being valued by other DAO members. The content's NFT comprises of text and images, the images is public while the text is private and will be shown to the token holders via Merkle-Tree data protection scheme we implemented and later on the DAO member who bought the most recent can help set the price according to value.
There are 2 main elements made up to this project: