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NFT Lottery

A lottery where NFT can be minted by owner of contract and then participants can pay .0001 eth to enter, losers are refunded

NFT Lottery

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This is a contract that is a NFT Lottery, you can mint an nft and then users can pay .0001 eth to enter, when the lottery ends a winner is sent the nft. The original goal was to brand this as a phygital nft platform for shoe lotterys.

It is currently a solidity contract that is deployed on the Scroll ZKEVM network

How it's Made

This project is made in solidity, and react. The contract is able to execute minting and starting and ending lottery appropriately however I have been running in to errors on the front end. It is deployed on the Scroll EVM. I utilized OpenZepplin contracts and web3.js to complete this project. ScrollEVM made it very cheap to continuously deploy contracts while testing

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