NFT Link

Embed an NFT into a url and send it to anyone with ease using magic links

NFT Link

Created At

Road to Web3

Project Description

This is a NFT (Non-Fungible Token) project where anyone can create a unique token and transfer it to others via the URL. Slide deck: Usecases for this are:

  • store owners giving NFTs to their customers,
  • charity giving NFTs to people who donate.
  • send NFTs to a mailing list (each mail gets a unique url)
  • import existing NFTs and package them into an url

How it's Made

Scaffold-eth for prototyping and deploying smart contract

Java spring boot for backend service to trigger contracts and process payments and mintings packaged into a docker container for storage of NFT’s using IPFS and Filecoin

Typescript / NextJS frontend hosted on Vercel

background image mobile

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