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NFT Gram

Connect to NFT Gram, create your own NFT's, and sell them to your fans

NFT Gram

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

This project allows users to connect to the app by using WalletConnect, which was setup with Web3Modal. The frontend was setup using React and Ethers.js. The ERC-721 contract has functions to mint and delete NFT's. We plan to connect the app to API, then pass in the returned IPFS hash as the token URI in the smart contract. We also plan to take a user's NFT's that were minted in our contract, display them onto the URI, and allow these NFT's to be purchased by others.

How it's Made

We were making nice progress, but our app completely broke the night before submissions were due. We tried debugging, but unfortunately ran out of time. Technologies used: React for the frontend. Ethers.js to setup Web3Modal, and WalletConnect for the providerOptions. We had an ERC-721 contract for the actual minting (and burning) of tokens. WalletConnect benefitted our project, because it makes it simple to connect various wallets. We didn't have enough time to implement, but that seems to be a very simple way to store things onto IPFS

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