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NFC Worldcoin Vote

Vote with a NFC wristband from ETH Brussels, with sybil verification from Worldcoin

NFC Worldcoin Vote

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

User can vote IRL for DAO proposals with a wristband. Worldcoin verifies that it's a real human.
Unfortunately I couldn't finish the whole app on time, because my first idea was related to rewriting the NFC chip itself to lead to a different URL, and then I realised the NFC wristband is protected for writing, so I pivoted to more simple idea .

How it's Made

I extract ethereum signature from ETHBrussels wristband through using the library Libhalo called from mobile React Website through touching the wristband .

Then user Sign In with Worldcoin to authenticate it's not a sybil .

Then user can vote for DAO proposals IRL with a wristband by using the earlier extracted signature

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