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NEST-DABS is a stable coin project publishing platform. By DABS, everyone can specify a token as collateral to generate stable coins with stable income.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

NEST-DABS is a stable coin project publishing platform. By DABS, everyone can specify a token as collateral to generate stable coins with stable income, The price of the collateral is obtained through NEST-Oracle, which provides a completely decentralized price formation mechanism and is fully open to everyone, The quotation of a token on NEST-Oracle and the stable token as collateral on NEST-DABS are completely open.

How it's Made

NEST-DABS and NEST-Oracle are completely open and run on EVM,

NEST-Oracle has implemented a completely decentralized Oracle in a very sophisticated way. Everyone can play any role defined by their species. These roles play games with each other and eventually form the price of the oracle on the chain,

NEST-Oracle uses the price provided by NEST-Oracle to realize the mortgage and sales algorithm. The stable currency generated by the mortgage can realize the fixed income of deposit and withdrawal

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