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We an easy way to to connect fromn an evm to pump dot fun ge memecoinst


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

Neon EVM - Neon EVM-Optimized Protocols and Apps 2nd place

Project Description

We ara enabiling users to get some memcoins from envm wallets to solana in n easy way we are helping interact with the emvm instead of solana much much easier, get emmecoins in a easy way from your evem wallet, no brdge or anything to do more it is supe rsuper easy, only focus on search for the memecoin

How it's Made

We ara enabiling users to get some memcoins from envm wallets to solana in n easy way we are helping interact with the emvm instead of solana much much easier, it is all made with neon evm tech, use the call contract from neon evm to interact with pump dot fun directly no bridge or anything else

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