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A dApp where artist and producers can store and share their songs safely. With added features for fans of bug bounties, where can earn rewards fro reports leaks.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

Our platform, NeededFrontendDev, is an innovative decentralized application (dApp) designed to revolutionize the way artists and producers manage and protect their music. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, our platform provides a secure, transparent, and decentralized solution to combat the pervasive issue of music leaks, ensuring that artists receive the compensation they deserve.

Core Features:

Secure Storage and Sharing: Utilizing Ethereum's smart contracts and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), our platform offers encrypted and decentralized storage for music files. Artists and producers can confidently share their work, knowing it's protected against unauthorized access and leaks.

Staking Mechanism: When an artist suspects an impending leak, they can preemptively upload their song to our platform. Fans can stake coins to gain early access to the official version, diverting attention from unauthorized leaks and ensuring the artist benefits financially.

Leak Reporting and Bounties: We empower our community to help safeguard music integrity. Fans can report found leaks and, upon verification, receive rewards in platform tokens. This community-driven approach enhances vigilance and rapid response to unauthorized distributions.

User Management: Our user management system categorizes users into fans and artists, providing tailored functionalities for each group. Artists can manage their portfolios, while fans can engage directly with their favorite creators, staking tokens and participating in leak prevention.

By leveraging blockchain technology, [Your Platform Name] offers a robust solution to protect intellectual property, promote fair compensation, and foster a supportive community for artists and producers. Join us in transforming the music industry, ensuring that creativity is always rewarded and protected.

How it's Made

Our project, NeededFrontendDev, was built with a focus on leveraging blockchain technology to provide a secure and transparent platform for artists and producers. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the technologies and methodologies we employed:

Blockchain and Smart Contracts: We chose the Ethereum blockchain due to its robust smart contract capabilities and widespread adoption. Solidity was used to write our smart contracts, which handle critical functions such as user management, file storage, staking mechanisms, and bounty systems. These contracts ensure that all transactions are secure, transparent, and immutable.

Decentralized Storage: For storing music files securely, we integrated IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). IPFS allows us to store files in a decentralized manner, ensuring they are tamper-proof and accessible only by authorized users. The IPFS hashes are stored in our smart contracts to link the on-chain records with the off-chain storage.

Frontend Development: The frontend of our dApp is built using React.js, providing a responsive and user-friendly interface. We utilized Web3.js to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, enabling users to connect their wallets and interact with our smart contracts seamlessly.

User Authentication and Wallet Integration: MetaMask was integrated to handle user authentication and transactions. This wallet integration allows users to sign up, log in, and perform transactions without needing to trust a centralized authority, maintaining the decentralized ethos of our platform.

Staking and Rewards: We implemented a staking mechanism where fans can stake tokens to gain early access to music, ensuring artists receive fair compensation. The staking contracts were designed to manage pools, distribute rewards, and handle user stakes efficiently.

Leak Reporting System: A notable feature is our leak reporting system, where fans can report unauthorized leaks. Using our bounty smart contracts, verified reports result in rewards, creating a community-driven approach to safeguarding music.

Partner Technologies: We leveraged several open-source libraries and frameworks to speed up development and ensure security. Truffle Suite was used for contract deployment and testing, while Ganache provided a local Ethereum blockchain for development and testing purposes.

Notable Hacks: One particularly hacky aspect worth mentioning is our use of IPFS gateways to enhance file retrieval speed and reliability. By selecting multiple gateways and dynamically switching between them, we ensured consistent and fast access to stored files, improving the user experience.

In summary, NeededFrontendDev is a culmination of various cutting-edge technologies, pieced together to provide a secure, transparent, and user-friendly platform for the music industry. Our careful selection of blockchain, decentralized storage, and web technologies ensures a robust and scalable solution.

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