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# NarrativeAI is a blockchain-based platform that enables collaborative story creation through AI assistance and user voting. The platform combines AI-generated storytelling options with human decision-making to create unique, branching narratives.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Galadriel - Best on-chain AI agent(s) 3rd place

Project Description

NarrationAI: Collaborative AI-Assisted Storytelling

Inspired by the groundbreaking social experiment Twitch Plays Pokémon (TPP), where thousands of players collectively controlled a single Pokémon game through chat commands, NarrationAI brings the magic of crowd-driven narratives to the blockchain era.

NarrationAI is a decentralized platform that harnesses the power of collective creativity and cutting-edge AI to weave intricate, branching narratives. Just as TPP transformed gaming into a collaborative experience, NarrationAI revolutionizes storytelling by making it a shared, democratic process.

On NarrationAI, stories unfold like never before. AI agents, powered by Galadriel's on-chain LLM capabilities, set the stage with captivating beginnings and offer multiple paths for the tale to unfold. But unlike traditional AI storytelling, the narrative's direction is in the hands of the community. Users vote on-chain to decide which path the story should take, creating a truly decentralized and unpredictable storytelling experience.

NarrationAI combines the following technologies:

  • Galadriel's on-chain AI for intelligent story generation and path creation
  • Blockchain-based voting for transparent, tamper-proof decision making
  • NFT minting to immortalize completed stories and recognize contributors

Just as Twitch Plays Pokémon showed how chaos can lead to unexpected triumphs, NarrationAI demonstrates how collective decision-making can produce unique, engaging narratives. Our platform isn't just about creating stories; it's about forging a new form of digital literature where every reader is also a potential author.

NarrationAI: Where AI meets human creativity, where every vote shapes a world, and where stories live forever on the blockchain. Join us in writing the future of collaborative storytelling. #StoryOnChain #AIStorytelling #DecentralizedCreativity

Key Components

  1. Story Initiation AI Agent
    • Utilizes on-chain LLM to generate the story's beginning based on a given theme
    • Maintains memory of story context
  2. Story Pathfinder AI Agent (New)
    • Creates four distinct creative outlines for story continuation
    • Ensures each path is unique and engaging
  3. Story Continuation AI Agent
    • Expands and enriches the chosen story path
    • Maintains consistency with previous story elements
  4. Illustration AI Agent
    • Creates image descriptions based on story content
    • Integrates with image generation AI for visual storytelling
  5. Editor AI Agent
    • Reviews stories for coherence, style, and engagement
    • Provides feedback and suggestions for improvement
  6. Smart Contract for Voting
    • Manages on-chain voting process for path selection
    • Ensures transparent and tamper-proof decision making
  7. User Interface
    • Web-based platform for user interactions
    • Displays stories, facilitates voting, and showcases illustrations

Updated Workflow

  1. Theme Announcement
    • Platform announces a theme for story creation
  2. Story Initiation
    • Story Initiation AI generates the beginning of the story based on the theme
  3. Path Generation
    • Story Pathfinder AI creates outlines for 4 creative paths to continue the story
  4. Voting Phase
    • Users vote on their preferred path for story continuation
    • Voting process managed by blockchain smart contract
  5. Story Continuation
    • Story Continuation AI expands the winning path, enriching the story
    • New story segment is added to the main narrative
  6. Illustration Creation
    • Illustration AI generates image descriptions for the new story segment
    • Images created and added to enhance the narrative
  7. Editing and Refinement
    • Editor AI reviews the new segment, providing feedback
    • AI implements refinements based on editor suggestions
  8. Repeat
    • Process repeats from step 3 (Path Generation) for further story development
  9. Story Completion
    • After a predetermined number of cycles or when a satisfactory ending is reached
    • Completed story is minted as an NFT with fractional ownership for contributors

Technical Implementation

  • Blockchain: Ethereum-compatible chain (e.g., Polygon) for smart contracts and voting
  • AI Integration: Galadriel's on-chain LLM capabilities for all AI agents
  • Front-end: React-based web application for user interface
  • Back-end: Node.js server to handle API requests and blockchain interactions
  • Database: IPFS for decentralized storage of story content and metadata

Unique Selling Points

  1. AI-guided storytelling with human decision-making
  2. Multiple creative paths for each story segment, ensuring variety
  3. Decentralized voting for collaborative story direction
  4. Transparent contribution tracking and ownership
  5. Educational tool for creative writing and blockchain interaction

Future Expansions

  • Genre-specific AI agents for specialized story creation
  • Multi-language support for global collaboration
  • Integration with e-book platforms for wider distribution
  • Interactive reader experiences allowing real-time voting on story direction

How it's Made

We started from Hardhat boilerplate for this project, wrote several on chain AI agent contract on Galadriel testnet. We wrote a python script to poll Galadriel on chain data and write user's queries and write them into a sqlite databse. We used express.js and sql.js to build a quick RESTful service for the frontend to query the database. And finally, we adopted styled-component and MUI to make our frontend pages looks better.

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