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An on-chain identity platform for real-world interactions.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The current social platforms face challenges like a lack of event memories and inefficient information exchange, hindering their potential. Addressing these issues is crucial for a seamless and feature-rich experience, transforming the platform into a facilitator of meaningful real-world connections.


How it's Made

  • We were unable to integrate Rainbowkit into our front end. Therefore, we alternatively used WAGMI react hooks integration.
  • We want our dApp to be chain-agnostic but Push Protocol currently lacks integration with chains like Scroll. Therefore, we were unable to deploy the on-chain notifications but opted for the off-chain deployment.
  • Chainlink CCIP also lacks support for some chains like Scroll. Therefore, we aren't enabling cross-chain NFT communication currently.
  • We faced SAFE Relaykit implementation issues by just reading through their developer documentation but were able to overcome those challenges by meeting the team in person.
  • Lighthouse lacked proper developer documentation guidance on data retrieval. We overcame this by meeting the team in person and clarifying our doubts.
  • Celo mobile documentation did not provide code snippets and the existing examples gave a 404 error. We were unable to do our implementation because of this.
  • Anon Aadhar SDK currently lacks support to provide specific data points. We used alternative Web2 data point retrieval mechanisms.
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