Simple NFT minter
This project is a simplified NFT minter. Using the scripts/metadata-maker.js file, the user can easily input the attributes of their NFT, including name, image, and description. This file outputs to a nft-metadata.json that can be uploaded to IPFS or a centralized server to get a tokenURI. Once the user has uploaded their tokenURI and has a link to it, they can run scripts/mint-nft.js and enter the tokenURI when prompted to mint their NFT. You can view the NFT smart contract here:
'- coded in Solidity to make MyBeeple.sol (an smart contract)
used HardHat to deploy NFT smart contract to Ropsten test network and upload it to Etherscan
leveraged Alchemy Web3 to interact with MyBeeple.sol and mint NFTs
it was a huge learning experience as I don't have much javascript experience!