Truffle development tool for FEVM. Compile, deploy and migration to Wallaby using the Truffle framework
Truffle development tool for FEVM. Compile, deploy and migration to Wallaby using Truffle framework. This PoC is develop using Streamlit (Data Science Framework) with python as a backend. This PoC explores how to compile, deploy and migrate with a simple click . Also, we integrate Beryx API in order to explore the data collections with excellent GUI interface, to better Ux experience.
This project, implements Truffle deploy configurations , migrations and integrations. We use Beryx API to query and explore the data collections. We deploys a several Solidity contract in the local network and the truffle develop console as a Playground. We deploy the contracts in the Wallaby testnet. MarketsAPI contracts are included in the project. Uploading a file and compiling, deploying and migrating is as simple as its show in the demo.