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Muse Filez

Token gated content inside of IPFS files. Fans can see content in files via a gallery.

Muse Filez

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Muse FIlez is a decentralized social media platform where fans can see exclusive content from their favorite content creators. The files are token-gated by NFTs. The NFTs act as tickets to the files for fans. Anyone who owns the NFTs can see the content inside the files. The content within the files will be on-chain.

How it's Made was used for the files. The Lit protocol was used to token-gate the files on the front-end of the React App. The NFTs were deployed on the Hyperspace Testnet of the FVM.

Deploying on the FVM benefits the project because the content added into the files will be on-chain.

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