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Creating a Multi Bridge using Chainlink CCIP protocol to connect different EVM-like blockchains, aiming to provide a user-friendly and intuitive experience. #Blockchain #CCIP #Chainlink #EVM


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Project Description

The project's foundation is the CCIP protocol, which serves as the conduit for data interchange between EVM-Like blockchains. Its initial focus on bridging Ethereum's Sepolia, Polygon Mumbai, and Optimism Goerli testnets demonstrates its pragmatic approach to cross-chain connectivity. The envisioned integration with Optimism's Superchain and the utilization of diverse technologies showcase its forward-thinking stance towards future scalability and innovation.

How it's Made

The project employs Chainlink's CCIP protocol to facilitate data exchange among various EVM-Like blockchains. In this initial version, bridges are established between Ethereum's testnet (Sepolia) and the testnets of Polygon and Optimism. The future goal is to extend integration to Optimism's Superchain, leveraging additional technologies and protocols. On the backend, the development environment utilized is Hardhat with TypeScript, employing Solidity for smart contracts. On the frontend, Next.js is used with TypeScript, along with Wagmi and React.

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