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Mud Todo

Mud todo list with ownership which allows only the owner of the list to add to the list

Mud Todo

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

The mud todo list allows you to add items and checkmark them if they are done, presently it only runs on localhost. It has ownership which only allows the owner of the list to add to the list and delete the list or edit the submitted list that the user submitted. It is not really useful but i wanted to learn the workings of mud so i tried to play with it and I was getting errors a lot of the times.

How it's Made

The project uses mud and I followed the react workshop on ethglobal channel and followed through. After following the video mud 101 and doing as it was done in the recording it was not the same because there was no presense of App.tsx in the project directory. I followed the mud react workshop and it worked but i was getting many errors following through and it took huge amount of time to remove them. And then I went to phaser and I was not able to understand much of what was happening so i sticked with react. I will be learning more about phaser soon.

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