a Visualisor for MUD based games, where it shows each entity, component and system and how they are linked together
this is mostly built as a dev tool trying to understand how various different mud games utilise the ecs/mud architecture. It helps visually layout how each component, system and entity is interconnected and interacting with each-other, in the future it will allow quick deployment to an rollup as a service style testnet quickly and efficiently, allowing both for replaying of matches and also live playing a mud based game that has been deployed in several clicks!
its a currently a simple flask website built in python, which allows for the reading of the mud github repo, and visualisation processing. In future it will likely need to be rewrote in react/js to be more compatible with the various web3 apis it needs! it also uses the mud architecture in way of proxy, which is a opensource & MIT licensed engine built by lattice (funded by 0xPARC)