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Play our exciting Coin Flip game! Bet on the outcome of a coin flip and double your stake if you guess right. Enjoy the thrill of chance in this simple and engaging blockchain game.


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

We envision a coin flip game built on blockchain technology, offering a unique combination of chance and strategy. Players would predict the outcome of a coin flip and place a bet, adding tension and excitement to each round. The game would feature a user-friendly interface and transparent results, aiming to provide an engaging and fair gaming experience.

How it's Made

The envisioned coin flip game would be crafted using React for a smooth, responsive user interface. The game logic would be handled by smart contracts written in Solidity, deployed on an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) testnet for development and testing. MUD, an innovative framework for Ethereum applications, would be used to manage onchain interactions, thereby simplifying development and ensuring efficient, seamless gameplay.

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