A trust score network, where users' network is never revealed.
Mosaic is a trust score network, where, users' network is never revealed.
On the trust network, a new user is only added by a trusted network agent (only to start the network) or by a friend. When a new user is added by some friend, they both become friends of each other. Each user can have up to 10 friends.
As the user is added, it starts with a default score of 50 (on a scale 0 to 100). Its trust score will then increase with well intended activities happening. But if the user is or becomes a bad actor, that action will be registered as a penalization.
A penalization affects the user score, but also affects its network, which by consequence also affects their network.
A user can only change its network (list of friends) each 3 months, so it avoid the user quickly removing someone from the network that was penalized. And it should not be able to change the network if someone as been penalized during the last month.
Tech Stack:
This is made possible using Noir using hashing algorithms. Trust scores are written to a contract, but not the user network.
To prevent the users from changing the network, we've used merkle trees. This makes it possible to verify if a given user is part of it, but also keeps it private.
There will only be one penalization at a time. A user trust score is calculated based on it's network trust score. The trust score can increase and decrease, but the only way to decrease is through a penalization. A penalization could be because of fraudulent activity.