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Monstrum Knights RPG

This was our first experience with MUD, we were trying to build RPG game where knights can collect monster and challenge each other. We did not have a chance to complete it, but we learned a lot and had fun

Monstrum Knights RPG

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

We were trying to iterate on top Emojimon tutorial and build new functionality on top of it, for example:

  • adding new terrain types (sand, water, city)
  • adding combat functionality
  • adding music
  • player inventory and story to buy artefacts and monsters
  • we used ERC-721 for inventory items

How it's Made

We used:

  • React and Tailwind for the UI
  • a bunch of free and publicly available tile sets for terrain and in-game items
  • 8-bit sound track
  • as well as to generate game assets (player images, artefacts, monsters)

As mentioned this is our first experience with MUD and building games in general.

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