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Decentralised moderation mechanism


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Chainlink - Best use of Chainlink Functions

Project Description

Making moderation decentralised and allowing community to be a part of rule curation.


How it's Made

How to decide if a user is eligible to vote?

For voting on proposal we didnt want any outsider to vote on a proposal since they won't be inclined to vote for the right option. So we used Chainlink functions to call an API that can tell if the user is eligible to vote or not. The api calls the bot which checks if user is part of the server and also fulfills some criteria to be eligible.

How to allow people to oppose rules?

We couldn't simply just let people remove rules, and at the same time nor let users propose new ones, as that may cause spamming. So we used Kleros's on chain dispute resolution to tackle these, whenever a new proposal is made the proposer is required to submit an arbitration fee that will cover the Kleros Court's fee in case of any dispute in future, all the while preventing user's from spamming.

Banning someone is sorted but what about unban ?

we came up on a solution to let the user put in an unban appeal with some bond deposit, and there will be an appeal period, if within that period no one challenges the user, they get unbannedm howerver if someone does, a dispute gets created and sent ti Kleros

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