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Mode Testnet Faucet

A simple & basic faucet for the Mode Sepolia Testnet with daily withdrawal limits and account checks

Mode Testnet Faucet

Created At


Winner of

🤝 Mode — Best Developer

Project Description

One of the challenge we have experience is to be able to get the test Ether on Mode Sepolia. You either need to ask someone who has or bridge Ethereum Sepolia ETH into Mode Testnet.

This project aims to reduce a step between deploying your smart contract or interacting with Mode.

How it's Made

We have used Next.Js to handle the backend and frontend pieces. On top of it DaisyUI is enabled alongside of the Tailwind to provide UI component that we can utilized.

Smart contract development was done by using Hardhat. We have initially deployed into the Goerli to conduct some tests on our end. Then, pushed the contract into the Mode Sepolia testnet. Smart contract handles the daily check before releasing a small portion of the funds to the wallet.

Our deployed smart contract:

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