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An enrollment tool for a collaborative mission on the Superchain.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This dApp has four main features which invite Its user to enroll for an onchain mission. The four stages of the user experience are : Identity Verification, Event Attendance Proof, Onchain Attestation, and Completion. Its usage requires an onchain name, a NFT from a real-life event and the validation of an onchain attestation, signed by the mission coordinator, on either Base or Optimism.

How it's Made

The dApp is built with NextJS and integrates the ENS, EAS, POAP, EAS protocols. It was forked from a project created by EAS and relies heavily on Scaffold-Eth-2.

The creation of the dApp was overseen by a human hacker working with an AI software engineer. It allows any named wallet in the hands of human who was at an in-person hackathon (ETHGlobal Brussels 2024) to receive an attestation of enrollment signed by the future mission coordinator.

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