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MISO NFT Trading Cards

This is a community-building project for MISO created from discarded bread. This MISO will contribute to reducing food loss and CO2 emissions. MISO is traditional Japanese food.

MISO NFT Trading Cards

Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Project Description

This initiative is application to reduce food loss and CO2 emissions by building community with MISO made from discarded bread. The application is a collaboration with WAKEAT, WAKEAT is a waste bread miso initiative in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Susono, Japan. WAKEAT provides the technology to process waste bread into MISO, and Web3's technology is used to reduce food loss and CO2 emissions.


This application, MISO NFT trading cards, is a service for people who want to reduce food loss. This application allows users to visualize the amount of bread waste, and like efforts reduce waste bread, this application is equipped with the ability to build a community from the record of food loss reduction. It is equipped with community building from the record of food loss reduction.

Specifically, "NFT Trading Cards (or collectible cards)" will be made when MISO is produced and sold, and these cards will be recorded on the Ethereum blockchain network. also, make "NFT Trading Cards" to those who come up with recipes using MISO,and promote the use of food products made with MISO.

Digital MISO card operates on the Ethereum blockchain network, and each MISO card is represented as a non-fungible token (NFT). Cards are automatically generated with parameters such as MISO ingredients, location of origin, etc. Some of the cards are digital collectibles (limited, rare, super-rare and unique cards).

By making "NFT Trading Cards", there will be people who collect them and enjoy playing games with them, We will also hold events and festivals to using "NFT Trading Cards" and form communication.

Our efforts are to reduce food loss waste incineration and to reduce CO2 emissions by using fermentation in the processing of MISO. For this reason, we have decided to use Celo's network

How it's Made

Celo is the carbon-negative blockchain ecosystem leading. Our efforts are to reduce food loss waste incineration and to reduce CO2 emissions by using fermentation in the processing of MISO. For this reason, we have decided to use Celo's network Technically, we are developing a React app using celo-composer

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