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This project allows users to mint multiple copies of their NFTS on the Wallaby testnet of FEVM using ERC1155 standards contract.


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Project Description

This project allows users to mint multiple copies of their NFTS on the Wallaby testnet of FEVM using ERC1155 standards contract.

Web3Storage is used to store media and metadata to IPFS.

Ethers.js is used to interact with the contract on FEVM.

Using rainbow wallet to connect users.

With help from Mentors in discord I was able to change the openzeppelin ERC1155 contract to work on FEVM

Deployed contract address 0xf76D167A96Fff3526918aad94e2963Bf772444ad

How it's Made

Using Rainbow wallet to connect the user.

This project uses Web3Storage to upload the image and media data to IPFS and then upload the json to the IPFS.

Ethers js to interact with the contract.

ERC115 standard contract adjusted for the wallaby testnet to workaround the EXTCODESIZE issue when calling mint on a ERC721 and ERC1155 contract.

I used a combination of Hardhat and remix to interact with the contract on Wallaby.

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