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MintBoxx is a NFT Hub built on FVM, it has it's own APIs which would enable the development of other NFT platforms on FVM.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

MintBoxx opens up the doors to new possibilities around NFTs on FVM. MintBoxx is a launchpad for new NFT collection and can be considered as no code NFT platform on Filecoin - making it easier for user to mint their NFTs. But this is not it, MintBoxx has more to offer.

Users can view all their NFTs minted on Filecoin under one roof - we call it the NFT gallery. No matter on which platform the NFT is minted, users would be able to view and access their NFTs under MintBoxx user profile section.

Along with this, we provide NFT APIs which can be used by other projects as well.

Find API documentation here :

How it's Made

The smart contracts are deployed on Hyperspace as well as on Mainnet.

The metadata is hosted on

The frontend is built using NextJS.

The API data is generated from the events emitted from the NFT contracts.

Sponsor Technologies : Filecoin Virtual Machine was used to deploy the smart contracts

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