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MillionDollarTokenPage (MDTP)

Milliondollartokenpage is milliondollarhomepage in the crypto Ξra. Show off & share NFTs, and own a piece of crypto history!

MillionDollarTokenPage (MDTP)

Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of

Skynet Labs

Skynet Pool Prize

Project Description

MillionDollarTokenPage (MDTP) is the web3 version of the web2 site from 2005.

In the original people would buy and set the pixels as a one-shot process. However, now with NFT technology users can actually buy that space, update it as often as they like, and re-sell later if they wish. This allows for a whole new way of interacting with the site that can generate its own economy and we view as something similar to Decentraland or Cryptovoxels but in 2D, ie. a 2D metaverse

MDTP is the place to show off and share what's hot in crypto and NFTs, in a space that you yourself own as an NFT! MDTP is set to become the Homepage of the Metaverse. Come own a piece of crypto history!

How it's Made

MDTP is a fully decentralised dApp!

All data is stored on IPFS with links to it stored on the blockchain. Meanwhile the front-end is hosted on SkyNet. Our back-end exists only to improve caching and usability.

To build it we use a React front-end, Python back-end, Ethereum/Solidity contract.

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