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Midaswap(nft amm for fvm)

Midaswap is like uniswap for nft traders and developers(gamefi and lots of web3 dapp) without service fee, which will be the first permissionless,decentralized nft marketplace on fvm,allowing users to swap, creating pools for sale and becoming lp(earn swap fee/accept fraction).

Midaswap(nft amm for fvm)

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Project Description

In the whole NFT ecosystem, NFT trading is the core. Since more than 80% of NFT metadata is stored on IPFS, FVM can explore further on the composability of NFT. MIdaswap, as an nft decentralized marketplace, can complement lots of web3 dapps(gamefi,socialfi ,metaverse ect.) on fvm as an automated liquidity provider, solving the problem of nft illiquidity and trying to combine the liquidity of pfp and gamefi nft. Also, midaswap allows nft/dapps developers to manage their nft liquidity, helping solve the death spiral of gamefi. Since nfts were able to minted, exchanged and stored under a single root on fevm,the users; experience of midaswap will be great.

For deal matching, Midaswap takes the Automated Market Maker (AMM) as the deal matching mechanism, which aggregates liquidity of same NFT collections into one liquidity pool. The standardized NFT price index is exported through Twap, which lays the foundation for the construction of NFTFI ecology on fvm with NFT as the core asset.A good NFTFI ecology will help opening external liquidity of nft on fvm and enable instant liquidity and liquidity Accumulation of them.

Users can swap within any of the liquidity pools, meaning that users can trade NFT to get FT or trade FT to get NFT, and NFT purchasers are free to buy any NFT in the liquidity pool. Users can also purchase fractional NFTs (ERC-20 standard tokens) and enjoy the same ups and downs in the price of the collection by purchasing only a portion of a particular NFT. Liquidity Management: Anyone can initial a new liquidity pool if Midaswap didn't have a pool of this assets pair before. If there is an existing liquidity pool, anyone can add assets to it to become an LP. Fractions trader offers NFT Fractions looking to trade to gain FT assets; Or offer FT assets in hopes of trading for NFT Fractions. They trade through SwapRouter pointing to the identified UniswapV3Pool based on a trading pair consisting of the asset held and the target asset.

  • NFT trader offers NFTS, converts to NFT Fractions through FractionNfts 1:1, points to liquidity pools through SwapRouter, and trades to obtain FT assets; Or purchase the target NFT, provide FT assets to complete the transaction by the trading pool and obtain the NFT.
  • Any transaction involving an NFT asset will interact with the NFTVault to generate the asset and update the data record in it. The liquidity of NFT assets provided by LP will be converted into NFT Fractions 1:1 through the FractionNFT module and added to the liquidity pool. IPFS NFTStorage for data storage on IPFS-we will launch nfts as Governance tokens(play the same role as $bnb in cex), so there will be lots of need for nfts'flexible storage. Other data(including nfts) will be packaged and deployed to IPFS.

what midaswap can provide for nft holders and developers? a new pricing way when minting: you can create:blind box-eth/usdc pool for minting and the price will change depending your sales status a liquidity management tool for gamefi developers: allow them to create different pools(native tokens-nft,nft-usdc,nft-eth) so as to open external liquidity and do their liquidity management avoiding inflation. a permissionless marketplace providing instant liquidity and liquidity accumulation without service fee and with low gas and slippage: pfp holders or gamefi users and developers can be liquidity providers and earn fees using their nfts(even fractional nft) gamefi developers can create native tokens-nft/native tokens-usdc/eth/weth pool so as to attracting liquidity before launching on cex

How it's Made

We used to design midaswap based on uniswap v3 few days ago,but there was no uniswap v3 on fvm so we had to design a uniswap v2 version from scratch when the event began. Due to the time limited it won't have front ui/ux and we have to use contract to interact. We were quite excited to find that nfts were able to minted, exchanged and stored under a single root. That says, the user experience (gas and smoothness) of midaswap will improve a lot on fvm.And we believe the nft/web3 economy of fvm will grow quick in 1 year,so it's worth to develop and corporate with fvm. Through the hack,we hope to know if midaswap can be well integrated and be critial part of fvm,while we believe midaswap is able to help web3 dapps/nfts/gamefis of fvm grow rapidly. IPFS NFTStorage for data storage on IPFS-we will launch nfts as Governance tokens(play the same role as $bnb in cex), so there will be lots of need for nfts'flexible storage. Other data(including nfts) will be packaged and deployed to IPFS. We believe uniswap v3 is the best for midaswap since we can offer customizable liquidity position (Range Order) and bind nft tokenid and price range through binding Uniswap v3’s tick to nft tokenid to meet users' needs for differentiated pricing when trading.But we will adapt the need of nft/web3 dapps on fvm since we start design midaswap on fvm from scratch. some information of midaswap uniswap v3 version(polygon&eth main net): @Midaswap_(Twitter) you can follow and learn more.

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