decentralized education platform the devalues higher ed by removing middlemen in current institutional bureaucracies.
MeU is an Education as a Protocol concept that seeks to empower grassroots stakeholders in education. That includes students, their instructors, and the course creators and instructional designers that produce curriculum. MeU creates a unique ecosystem that rewards the most highly rated course creators and instructors. It cuts the bureaucracy in current education and promises to cut costs by at least a magnitude.
This project provides a basic MVP that enables course creation, the staking of instructors, and course enrollment by students.
I built the frontend with React, supported by Node.js in the backend. The contracts are Solidity contracts. I deployed with Fleek, which was incredibly straightforward. The contracts were debugged, compiled, and deployed with Remix.
Next steps are to resolve authentication issues on the login screen and port to React Native for native mobile experiences.