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MetaMask Gate-In

Concept of allowing MetaMask to user login to a mutliplayer game with native code.

MetaMask Gate-In

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

Allows MetaMask users to sign a text from a multiplayer server to prove their identity without needing native code in the Unity3D project or exposing private key. The concept is to avoid native code in Unity that are often a majors issue to deal with on a rainbow of situation possible, while allowing to use the power of asymmetric cryptography and Ethereum.

How it's Made

  • Server sends a message to sign to the Unity client.
  • Unity client opens a browser on a static JavaScript page on GitHub.
  • The page contacts MetaMask, requesting to sign the message.
  • The message, public address, and the signed message are concatenated in the clipboard.
  • By coming back to the Unity application, the proof of his identity from the GUID is sent to the server.
  • The server uses a local validation tool to validate that the message is signed by the user.
  • It sends back a message to the player that it was validated or refused.

And like that, we have a server that can identify an anonymous player in a tournament based on his public key without risking the user accidentally exposing his private key.

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