This is a DAO where people can either become contributors or stakeholders depending upon the amount they contribute. Users can become stakeholders and take part in all the activities of the DAO.
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
This is a DAO where people can become stakeholders or contributors to the DAO by contributing a small amount of ethers and then taking part in the various activities of the DAO. The users can create proposals for a greater cause, like funding a needy person or helping anyone who is in crisis, and DAO members can contribute for the good cause. The DAO members can also give prizes to the contributors of the DAO who are regularly improving the features of the DAO.
I have used solidity for writing my smart contract and react js for the frontend. I have deployed my contracts using Remix and Hardhat. I have also used various partner technologies like WallletConnect for easy integration, WorldCoin for verifying users, Scroll, Gnosis, Chilliz, and Arbitrum for deploying my contracts on the blockchain. I have also used Chronicle Oracle for getting the live price feeds.