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A Dapp which allows users to timelock a memory through image or video with full privacy and decentralization


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Memories is a dapp which allows user to time lock a memory whether it be images or videos. When a user creates a memory by filling a form he can choose to time lock this by selecting the time. For example 10 years or 10 days etc also he can give some addresses to which he wants to share this memory when the time comes off unlocking the memory. All the details are stored on the IPFS. Time whenever someone creates a memory or memory is unlocked or when someone is shared a memory he or she gets notification which is perfect through push SDK. When the time of unlocking the memory comes all the users are notified, to which they can relieve a memory by creating an event, which is powered by huddle sdk. It is a meet event. When someone choose to live a memory, it creates a event where everyone can join and share their memories together. A user can also choose to make his memory public, so whenever the time comes, everyone in the tab can see the shared memories.

How it's Made

The dapp is made on node js backend and using react Deployed on hyperspace. Push Protocol powers the notification to users at various events Huddle Sdk powers the meeting within the dapp in order to relive the memory. I managed to find a way to timelock the content with full user privace and protection and not leaving any loopholes to unlock image before time through a totally decentralized solution.

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