MemeCast ⛓️ - Get your Memes attested on-chain. Imagine, where the creator of meme gets his originality of creating the memes and he/she who is sharing the meme gets reward tokens.
Memecast is an on-chain meme platform designed for attesting your memes on the blockchain. Here, you can create your memes and templates with your own token on MEMECHAIN!
Whenever a new meme template is created, a corresponding token is generated. Users specify the details of the tokens to be created on-chain. Once a template is established with its associated token name, any memes developed from that template will be recognized and categorized under the defined tokens. The owner of the template earns AURA based on the reach of their template on Farcaster.
AURA is a points-based system created within Memecast. It features a calculative algorithm for distributing AURA points among users and creators. AURA points are calculated based on the memes shared, liked, and commented on Farcaster.
Users can also create innovative memes using existing templates. Those who use existing templates will also receive AURA rewards.
Memecast provides meme creators with a genuine way to earn rewards for their creativity.
Memecast makes its on-chain verification and transactions in a separate chain named Memechain. This memechain is deployed over the Conduit with the excellence of Optimism(OP Stack). We use Blockscout to track the transactions & addresses, verify and interact with smart contracts.
We bridged Base, to make Ethereum accessible to everyone. Memechain uses alchemy embedded accounts to make transactions easily.