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Healthcare app allowing patients to own and share their own medical data conveniently


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of


Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project was meant to be a full-stack app on Base that allows users to login with either an EOA or a social recovery embedded wallet in order to enter, securely store, and share their medical data. It includes a smart contract for minting the patient data NFT, and I wanted to allow patients to encrypt/store this data on IPFS to privately share with doctors as they desired.

How it's Made

For this project, I used Hardhat, React, and Solidity in order to make a full-stack on-chain app that would allow users to mint their patient data NFTs. I aimed to integrate Dynamic with Pimlico smart accounts to allow patients to login easily, as shown in my "dynamic" branch commits, but I was not able to get the integration to work. I implemented a Solidity smart contract for minting the data NFT to each patient. Planned on using Lighthouse to store the medical data and encrypt it with access controls.

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