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CAT allows you to observe the historical price margins of ERC20 tokens between Ethereum Mainnet and Matic chain (and QuickSwap). This is going to be the port of similar project I did for Mainnet-xDAI at a


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Project Description

With the rise of Ethereum high gas price, making any transaction is becoming harder and harder. This started giving opportunities for layer 2/side chain providers to bring liquidity. The more tokens cross chains there will be artibrage opportunities across DEXes but it is hard to find out where opportunities lie.

CAT provides 2 basic functions.

  1. Shows daily price gap of tokens between Ethereum and Matic
  2. Simulate maximum profit

How it's Made

The historical data is mostly taken via GraphProtocol subgraph




To get aToken -> maToken specific address mapping I called smartcontract of Aavegotchi ATokenRootChainManager.sol contract functions

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