
matic-bike, bike renting dApp, NY need this application, I need this app, you need this app!


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

need to be used polygon Mumbai network, there are lots of cars in NY and I hate it, maybe with this dApp and the trust of the community ppl would start using bikes instead of using uber or renting cars, they can rent nearby bikes with this app, need more and massive enhancements. for example, user interface need to be implemented.

How it's Made

react, solidity, Heroku as the web page, selected polygon network for gas efficiency as mentioned before. fully backed by blockchain. has security issues, I just recalled, that there needs to be a last confirmation by the owner, I forget to implement such mechanic, It is not the best but it is an honest job that is done within 2 days as a sole back-end developer

background image mobile

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