MatesRaffle is the cryptographically fairest way to manage any kind of raffle you might be conducting. aims to provide a good looking web app that allows for creation and management of raffle systems that source their randomness from public computers, that anyone can verify. does this by utilising Verifiably Random numbers from Chainlink and Pyth Network, 2 separate oracle providers.
By getting 2 separate oracle providers we get 2 completely random sources of information, this would mean that in order for someone to cheat this system, they would need to have control of all 2 oracle providers. This is tricky, but not impossible, I think we can add more fairness guarantees.
From here, if we combine this with a commit/reveal hash scheme, we can ensure that both the raffle organiser, not the random number providers can collude to cheat raffles.
All of this is abstracted away from users, as they're given a completely web2 look and feel with abstracted account/gasless transactions, powered by Biconomy.