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Market3 & Walletscan: A Trusted Marketplace

Market3 is how we envision a safe, trusted, pseudonymous Marketplace. Market3 WalletScan is a suite of APIs that shows holistic trustworthiness of an address, and Market3 Magic Protocol is a smart contract that gives you control over which community you can sell to and buy from!

Market3 & Walletscan: A Trusted Marketplace

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

🥇 XMTP — Best Use

6️⃣ XMTP — XMTP Shout Out

Project Description

Market3: Building Trust in Decentralized Community Marketplace. Web2 marketplaces are riddled with problems: 1) scammers are everywhere: no easy way to verify seller 2) FB marketplace is great but it doxxes you in front of your friends, and 3) Platform lock in: buyers track record is locked within one platform.

Enter Market3. Market3 brings two component that tries to solve the trust problem in web2 marketplaces. Walletscan provides an easy way to quickly get the holistic profile of an address, not only in terms of assets (NFTs), DAOs, and immutable blockchain history (like if you have participated in EthNewYork!)

Second component of Market3 is the Magic Protocol, which allows you to logs orders and transaction onchain so you can build your credential for every trade you make and take them to wherever you want next! It also gives you controls over who you trust to buy from you or sell to you.

Blockchains offers a both transparent mechanism to vet sellers and a customizable way to gate your orders to consumers.

How it's Made

Walletscan APIs are built with Google Cloud Functions and a set of APIs to aggregate onchain information like Etherscan, OpenSea API, and POAPs api. We plan on index the blockchain ourselves to pull out more insightful data! The Magic protocol is built with hardhat and connected via web3.js. We also made use of XMTP protocol to enable buyers and sellers to chat directly about the items listed!

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