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Mark3d - NFT platform form Metaverse builders with Hidden File Tokens (HFT)


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Project Description

Originally Mark3d was a platform for Metaverse builders on Polygon. When we found out about the concept of DATA DAOs on FEVM, FVM, and Filecoin we decided to move our decentralized backend completely to the Filecoin Ecosystem. FEVM HACK seemed like a perfect event for this. The time was short and we have faced many problems with FEVM at the current state of development, but we have managed to achieve 3 goals we set ourselves at the beginning of the hackathon:

  1. Deploy our smart solidity contracts to FEVM testnet
  2. Create a deal and upload a file into Filecoin
  3. Deploy an actor on FVM, which has control over the uploaded file All 3 steps are shown in our demo video and described in our Github in FVM HACK repository.

How it's Made

A part of smart contracts is implemented on solidity and is launched on FEVM. A draft of a part of the system responsible for working with encrypted files in a decentralized storage, implemented using native Filecoin actors in the Rust language. So far, these parts do not interact with each other in any way, but in the future, this will be implemented. At this hackathon, we tested the hypotheses of our concept in Filecoin.

A lot of work has been done to simplify the interaction of casual developers with Filecoin (especially with the local network). We also managed to quickly understand native actors and create some useful examples for future use.

We are proud that we were able to quickly launch a large amount of functionality in such a sophisticated system as Filecoin, which will help us develop our project beyond this hackathon and improve Filecoin ecosystem

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