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Decentralized Trust for the First Fully-onchain Form System


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Formo is designed to revolutionize the way surveys are conducted, managed, and trusted. It leverages blockchain technology to ensure the authenticity, transparency, and security of responses, which are the pillars of trustworthy surveys. This product is ideal for research institutions, organizations, government agencies, and any entity that relies on accurate and reliable survey data.

Key Features:

  • Immutable Responses: Once a survey response is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered, ensuring data integrity.
  • Decentralized Storage: Survey data is stored in a decentralized manner, removing risks associated with centralized data breaches.
  • Transparency: The blockchain records can be publicly verified, adding an extra layer of trust to the survey results.
  • Privacy-Preserving: Utilizes cryptographic techniques to ensure respondent's privacy while maintaining the authenticity of the responses.
  • Incentive Mechanism: Integrates cryptocurrency rewards to incentivize honest and timely participation.
  • Smart Contract Automation: Automates the distribution of surveys and rewards through smart contracts, ensuring efficiency and reliability.
  • Interoperability: Designed to interact seamlessly with various blockchain networks, enabling diverse use-cases.

Use Cases:

  • Academic Research: For researchers who need authentic data, Formo provides a trustworthy and transparent platform.
  • Market Research: Companies seeking genuine customer feedback can leverage Formo to improve their products/services.
  • Government Polling: Governments can utilize ChainSurvey for transparent and tamper-proof public opinion polling.
  • Employee Feedback: Organizations can gather honest and unalterable employee feedback for improving workplace culture.
  • Healthcare Surveys: Healthcare institutions can collect secure and authentic patient data for medical research and improvements.

How it's Made

Creating Formo involved harnessing the synergy of Ethereum for blockchain functionalities, Solidity for smart contract development, and ERC-721 for unique form identities. The frontend was crafted with React and web3.js, integrating a dynamic, cyberpunk-inspired UI with blockchain interactions, while the backend leveraged IPFS for decentralized storage. OpenZeppelin libraries and Infura significantly streamlined our development process, helping build secure and standardized contracts and facilitating smooth network interactions. Despite facing challenges with Ethereum’s gas fees and balancing on-chain and off-chain storage, innovative and sometimes hacky solutions, like data structuring for gas optimization and dynamic UI rendering for versatile form structures, were employed to optimize user experience and system efficiency. This amalgamation of technologies and solutions resulted in Formo, a testament to the potential and adaptability of decentralized applications.

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