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Hosting platform for slides and presentations for event organizations and speakers


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Mainstream is a decentralised file hosting platform for presentations. It can be used to rank speakers and authors, find the most influential people in your space, even attribute and get some feedback from people around the world.

Mainstream is not owned by anyone. It is fully decentralised. You can even run your own node on top on the Filecoin network with your own organization or you can run your own node and access to the public network of presentations.

Speakers can build an incredible portfolio on it. Share it on their social medias and find new ventures to enhance their business activity. Event organizations can increase their attractivity and gain more fame out there.

You own your data. Mainstream is currently free and utilises a gas relay layer to manage your hosting as permanent. Mainstream is built on top of Filecoin FVM in Solidity and Go. You can choose a solid public endpoint or decide to run your own infrastructure with Lotus, OrbitDB and Mainstream.

This solution has potential to complement and respond to the needs of the following organizations:

  • ETHGlobal
  • Ethereum Devcon
  • Geneva Devchain
  • Toastmaster Globa
  • TED/TEDx conferences
  • Meetup

Our fiercer competitors:

  • LinkedIn
  • Google (YouTube, Google Drive)

High level concept: AirBnB for event speakers

How it's Made

This project uses Zondax API to create storage deals on Filecoin. Actors grant permanent storage on demand on Filecoin directly. The backend is implemented in solidity and runs on top of the brand new FEVM. Most actions require off chain signatures through Metamask or a web3 wallet. Some of the codebase is held in Go programming language and HTML5 for front-end.

We are relying the Lotus JSON RPC API to interact directly on the Filecoin endpoint to create our full stack hosting solution on top of Filecoin similarly to Web3 Storage, NFT Storage, and Lighthouse.

To save gas fees, we decided to store comments and social interactions in a decentralised database (Orbit DB) which utilises the protocols IPFS and libp2p.

Our solution is fully native and work on all platforms. We even worked on Lotus at the start of this hackathon to port it onto Windows (not achieved but currently ongoing).

We rely on a public REST API to convert various presentation formats to PDF.

We are delivering a proof of concept (PoC) ready to go to market.

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