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A DataDAO that enables users to monetise their browsing history.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Nowadays, many companies spy on users to gather data to create ads and marketing campaigns. This is a highly profitable business where the user doesn't get any profits despite being the primary resource.

LytDAO provides a way to even the playing field, allowing users to share their browsing history for a fee, with fine-grained control over the data that they share.

The companies have the benefit of being able to gain a lot of knowledge about their customers, instead of only getting their usage in their own website they get their full browsing history. This allows them to know what pages they visit on their competitor's website, what news they read, what are their interests, etc.

How it's Made

The solution consists of:

  1. a browser extension, that records the user's navigation history and gives him fine-grained control of what data he wants to share.
  2. A off-chain indexer, that uploads the user analytics to Lighthouse, mints a NFT for the user representing that file and indexes the events to allow someone to search for user files that might be of interest.
  3. The DAO website, created with Next.js, where the user files are discoverable and someone is able to buy access to a file. His address is stored on-chain and verified by Lighthouse to allow retrieval of a file.
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