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Offer partially collateralized loans to users by crowdfunding the principal


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


💳 AAVE Grants DAO — 🥈 Credit Delegation

Project Description

Loan applicants submit details such as amount requested/to be repaid, load issue deadline, payment deadline then investors can provide all or some of the principal required for the loan and be given their share of the interest upon repayment. If the loan defaults, the investors will be entitled to their share of the collateral.

How it's Made

Lwned is deployed on Polygon because it offers such cheap gas fees and is widely supported. Account profile data is pulled from Lens Protocol and identity verification is provided by Coinpassport. The frontend communicates with the browser wallet using web3.js. Smart contract tests use Ganache.

Even though Aave is offering the prize for credit delegation using onBehalfOf from their pools, this would add interest overhead to loans so I decided not to adopt it in order to make borrowing rates as competitive as possible.

The original goal was to host the frontend on chain, first by generating the HTML in Solidity view functions, (this results in too much KB generated) then by using my but while implementing this I encountered the browser security policy of not being able to load a nested service worker from within a parent service worker. There wasn't enough time to do this but this could be resolved by rewriting the frontend to not use a service worker or by writing a proxy service worker than can load its configuration from a source bundle loaded from chain.

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