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Lunar NFT

Lunar Meta NFT collection for those who want to go to the moon. My very first time project in the web3 space.

Lunar NFT

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

The project created ERC721 NFT token, Lunar, for those to mint and collect. Lunar the name got inspired by the "To The Moon" theme and hope to resonate with everyone holding crypto in this "winter". The NFT has a reveal functionality built in. This is my very first time doing anything in the web3 space.

How it's Made

This is my very first time doing anything in the web3 space. The project uses ERC 721 (NFT) and Solidity on Remix to write the contract. The static files are created on Figma and uploaded to IPFS. I also deployed the contract on Skale network - zero gas fee is definitely impressive

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