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Lucky Game

A Word / Number game built on MUD for global sustainability. Lucky MUD Games deployed on MUD testnet. Bills on Optimism Goerli Testnet

Lucky Game

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

Lucky Games is a web3 word/number guessing project with the aim of helping gamers earn side money while also funding environmental sustainability projects in the remote part of the world. Various sustainability projects like;

  1. Providing boreholes for clean water.
  2. Providing Solar powered electrification to rural villages.
  3. Encouraging agriculture to help produce oxygen for mankind.
  4. Educating and providing educational resources.

How it's Made

The DApp was created with MUD and deployed to Optimism where users can play a guessing game and a lucky seven games. To win, a user should be paid $1 and is able to predict a random number generated by the game corrected. if the prediction is correct, you win $3 else the money accrued by the project would be used to fund the climate sustainability project. Projects are stored on NFT.Storage and can be verified.

This project was made using several technologies. The front-end was designed using a server-side-rendering javascript tech known as Vite + React.js. The latest version of Vite (v4) was used because of how fast it was to build the project. IPFS / Filecoin's NFT.Storage was used to store Projects and projects metadata url stored on chain (On Optimism). MUD contracts were written and deployed to MUD testnet.

The smart contract uses ERC-721 specification to hold metadata URI, ethers.js was used to interact with the smart contract. The contract was deployed to Optimism Goerli testnet blockchain. The entire project demo was hosted to Vercel.

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